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about jiaben

    2023 - 再次肯定 - 被乐清市人民政府评为“2022年度乐清制造50强企业”,并荣获“乐清市市长质量奖”“浙江省高新技术企业研究开发中心”、“浙江出口名牌”和“温州市绿色低碳工厂”等称号。

    2022 - 再创佳绩 - 被乐清市人民政府评为“2021年度乐清制造50强第22名”,荣获“浙江省专精特新中小企业”称号,产品荣获“浙江制造精品”称号,并通过“浙江制造品字标”认证。

    2021 - 新工厂启用 - 位于乐清市虹桥镇东电子信息产业园的新工厂顺利验收通过全面启用,被乐清市人民政府评为“2020年度乐清制造50强第28名”。

    2020 - 高新技术企业 - 年销售额突破4亿元,被乐清市人民政府评为“2019年度乐清制造50强第45名”,并荣获“浙江省科技型中小企业”和“国家高新技术企业”称号。

    2019 - 屡创新高 - 年销售额突破3亿元,被中国电器工业协会电动工具分会评为“ 电动工具配件优秀供应商”。

    2018 - 再建新厂 - 我们购置了位于乐清市虹桥镇东电子信息产业园内24.3亩工业用地,10月份开始全面建设,建筑面积52,000平米,预计2021年年初全面搬迁。

    2016 - 精简编制 - 年销售额突破2亿元,员工数从2011年最高峰690人减少为620人。

    2012 - ul认证 - 开关测试实验室获得ul目击实验室认证证书(ul61058标准)。

    2011 - 工厂自动化 - 公司全面开始推行自动化设备的引进和制造工作,全面提高生产效率。

    2010 - 搬至新厂 -  我们搬迁至新厂房,员工增加至620余人,进一步扩大产能。

    2009 - 购置新厂 - 我们购置了此处新厂房,2010年全面搬迁。

    2008 - 迅猛发展 - 厂房面积扩充至4500平米,员工达485人,年销售额1.06亿元人民币。

    2006 - cqc认证 - 我们获得第一张cqc认证证书。

    2003 - 通过认证 - 我们通过iso 9001质量管理体系认证。

    2002.11 - 实验室ul认证 - 开关测试实验室获得ul目击实验室认证证书(ul1054标准)。

    2002 - 再次扩建 - 我们购置了一处厂房,厂房面积2,500平米,员工150人,年销售额2,000万元人民币。

    2001 - 证书认可 - 我们获得第一张ul认证和tüv认证证书。

    1999 - 全面研发 - 我们开始全面研发电动工具开关。

    1995 - 规模扩大 - 我们搬迁至六间居民楼,工厂面积增加至1,200 平方米,员工50人,年销售额达500万人民币。

    1993 - 公司更名 - “ jb” 注册商标获国家商标局批准,同年我们有了自己的公司名——乐清市佳奔电子实业公司。

    1986 - 正式立厂 - 我们申请了工厂名——乐清市虹桥电子器件厂,位于一间居民楼里,开始生产部分电子产品,如:电话机锁、电视机电源开关等。

    1985 - 公司伊始 - 佳奔于1985年由董事长倪阿康先生创办成立。创始初期,我们专业制造模具。

    2023 - award again - yueqing government awarded the "2022 yueqing manufacturing top 50" , won the title of "yueqing mayor quality award", "zhejiang high-tech enterprise research and development center", "zhejiang top export brand" and "wenzhou green and low carbon factory".

    2022 - another fine square - yueqing government awarded the "22 th. of 2021 yueqing manufacturing top 50", won the title of "specialization, new enterprises in zhejiang province", product won the title of "zhejiang manufacturing high-quality goods", and through the "zhejiang manufactured goods word mark" certification.

    2021 -  new factory - new factory is located in east electronic information industrial park, hongqiao town, yueqing city, new factory acceptance smoothly through a comprehensive, yueqing government awarded the "28 th. of 2020 yueqing manufacturing top 50".

    2020 - high and new technology enterprise - annual sales reached 400 million rmb, yueqing government awarded the "45 th. of 2019 yueqing manufacturing top 50", and won the "zhejiang scientific and technological enterprise" and "national high and new technology enterprise" title.

    2019 - reaching new height - annual sales reached 300 million rmb, be hornered by china electrical equipment industry association power-tools branch with "excellent supplier of accessories for power-tools".

    2018 - new plant - we purchased 16,200 square meters field in east electronic information industrial park, hongqiao town, yueqing city, october the comprehensive construction, building area of 52,000 square meters.

    2016 - the bureaucracy - annual sales reached 200 million rmb, the quantity of employees reduced from 690 to 620.

    2012 - certificate of lab - our switch testing laboratory was certificated by ul accroding to the ul witnessed test data program laboratory (wtdp) (ul61058 standard).

    2011 - factory automation - the company introduced a comprehensive automation equipment introduction and manufacturing work, improve the production efficiency.

    2010 - moved to new factory - we move to new plant, increase to more than 620 employees, to further enlarge our production capacity.

    2009 - new factory - we purchased the new workshop, comprehensive relocation in 2010.

    2008 - rapid development - plant area expanded to 4,500 square meters, staff 485 people, with annual sales of 106 million rmb.

    2006 - cqc certification - we get the first cqc certification.

    2003 - through the certification - we passed the iso 9001 quality management system certification.

    2002.11 - certificate of lab - our switch testing laboratory was certificated by ul accroding to the ul witnessed test data program laboratory (wtdp) (ul1054 standard).

    2002 - expansion - we purchased a workshop, factory building area of 2,500 square meters, staff 150 people, with annual sales of 20 million rmb.

    2001 - certificate of approval - we get the first ul and tüv certification.

    1999 - comprehensive research and development - we began research and development switch for power-tool.

    1995 - scale - we move to six residential buildings, factory area 1,200 square meter, with 50 employee and annual sale 0.5 million rmb.

    1993 - new name - formalization of the company - "jb" registered trademark was approved by the national trademark office. we had our own company name - yueqing jiaben electronic industry co., ltd.

    1986 - established the factory - we applied for the factory name - yueqing hongqiao electronic components factory, located in a residential building, and began to produce electronic products, such as telephone locks, tv power switches, etc.

    1985 - the beginning of the company - jiaben was founded in 1985 by mr. ni akang, the chairman of the board of directors. at the beginning, we specialized in manufacturing moulds.
